Official Rules
Life Time UNBOUND Gravel presented by Shimano is a self-supported, endurance bicycle event along the gravel and dirt roads of rural Kansas. All roads are open to traffic. While there are opportunities for outside assistance, it is imperative to remember that you are responsible for you. Please review our rules and suggestions. If you have further questions, we are here to help – unboundgravel@ltevents.zendesk.com
- UNBOUND Gravel Athletes must utilize an approved bicycle. This bicycle must:
- Consist of a frame mounted on two wheels, one behind the other
- Have a seat and have handlebars for steering
- Be propelled solely by the operator via two pedals connected to the rear wheel by a chain or belt
- Have two hand-operated brakes (fixed gear and coaster brake bikes are not exempt from this rule)
- The same bicycle frame must be utilized for the duration of the race. Other components may be swapped out in checkpoints. Athletes may assist each other on course with parts.
- Singlespeed riders must utilize the same gearing for the duration of the race.
- Athletes must wear a helmet while operating their bicycle.
- Athletes must pass over the timing mats at each of the official checkpoints. Cut-off times will be established for reaching each checkpoint for rider safety, based on an average of 10 mph. If you reach a checkpoint after the cut-off time, your time will not be scored and you will no longer be an official participant of the race.
- UNBOUND Gravel athletes are responsible for themselves throughout the duration of the event. This includes:
- Navigation of the course.
- While we will mark significant turns on the course, you should not rely on course markings. We have navigation resources for you on our website which includes GPS files and cue sheets.
- Interaction with local vehicle traffic.
- Roads are open to the public and athletes are expected to follow Kansas bicycle laws. https://www.ksdot.org/bureaus/burRail/bike/BicycleStatutes.asp
- Navigation of the course.
- Each athlete MUST have present at the event at least one support crew person to come get them should they need to abandon the event.
- Multiple riders may share the same support crew. Riders who do not have a personal support crew can purchase support through the Crew-For-Hire program during registration, or afterwards by contacting unboundgravel@ltevents.zendesk.com
- You may use businesses in the checkpoint towns as your support for resupply, however, you must have someone willing to come pick you up should you choose to abandon the event. We will not come get you.
- Support Crews, friends, and family members are NOT allowed on or near the course, except to pick up a rider who is abandoning the event. IF A SUPPORT CREW VEHICLE IS SPOTTED ON COURSE, THEIR RIDER WILL BE DISQUALIFIED.
- Outside support is only allowed at official checkpoints, with these exceptions:
- Athletes may help other athletes with mechanical support, navigation assistance, or by any other means
- Athletes may resupply at local businesses and stores along the route
- Athletes may receive “neutral” support from local residents at a stationary location from which any other event participant could also receive aid.
- The primary route must be followed at all times. No short cuts or alternate routes are permitted.
- If you intentionally exit the course for food, supplies, or any other reason, you must re-enter the course at the same spot at which you left.
- If you get lost, you shall make every reasonable attempt to backtrack to the point where you left the course; or to re-enter the course as soon as possible and without gaining an advantage.
- Note: “Advantage” is not defined by race position.
- Athletes must remain within the primary boundaries of the roadway at all times.
- If the roadway is bordered by fences, stay between them.
- If the roadway is in open range (no fences), stay out of the ditch and on the road.
- Leaving the roadway is cutting the course.
- Hopping the fence is trespassing on private property, and as such is punishable by law. We will fully cooperate with local law enforcement if needed.
- Drafting on another event participant is allowed. Drafting on a non-participant cyclist, or on a motorized vehicle will result in disqualification.
- Athlete “Race Plates” MUST be affixed to the front of the handlebars. Athlete “Race Plates” MUST NOT be bent, folded, wrapped around the head tube, or in any other position than flat against the handle bars. Improper attachment of the race plate will cause timing chips not to register and may be cause for disqualification
- All athletes must attend Rider Sign-In on Thursday or Friday before race day to receive their event packet. (Full Schedule of Events will be available on the website closer to the event date).
- A government-issued photo I.D. will be required to sign in.
- Event packets will be given out to registered athletes only. No one else can receive your pack for you.
- Sign-In will NOT be available on Saturday.
- The elite category includes these additional rules:
- Racing for this category must be selected at time of race registration
- While an athlete may self-select this category, Life Time reserves the right to change a rider’s designation to their appropriate age group division prior to the race date, and will consult the rider before doing so.
- All athletes selecting to race in the pro/elite category will not be eligible for age group podiums
- All pro/elite riders are subject to random drug testing
- The elite mens and womens field will begin prior to the amateur start
- No aerobars, bar extensions, or clip on attachments of any kinds will be permitted
- All other rules remain in place
- Challenges to event results must come from a registered participant, must be made either in-person, or via email to unboundgravel@ltevents.zendesk. com, and must be received no later than 24 hours after closing of the race finish line.
- All deferrals must be submitted to unboundgravel@ltevents.zendesk.com no later than midnight on Wednesday, the day before packet pickup. You WILL NOT be able to pick up your packet if your entry is deferred to the next year.
Preparations Equipment Checklist:
Items in this list are sorted into three categories: must, should, and want. “Must” items are absolutely required by every athlete. “Should” items are highly recommended for successful completion of the event under all conditions. “Want” items are nice to have in a pinch, or may be recommended given certain weather conditions.
You will NOT find earbuds or headphones on the following list. We HIGHLY DISCOURAGE the use of these devices as they impair your ability to hear and react to approaching motor vehicles or warnings from other riders.
- Helmet (approved by CPSC or Snell standards)
- Navigation system (GPS device, cue sheets, map, etc)
- Cell phone to call for pick up should you need to abandon
- Hydration system (bottles or pack with enough to go 50 miles, we recommend at least 2 liters)
- Nutrition (bars, gels, sports drink, enough to fuel you to the next checkpoint)
- Two+ spare inner tubes (yes, even if you have tubeless tires)
- Tire repair plugs if rider’s tires are tubeless
- Tube patch kit
- Tire repair boots or gorilla tape
- Tire inflation system (we recommend CO2 inflators for speed PLUS a hand pump for reliability)
- Tire levers
- Bicycle multi-tool that contains:
- All allen wrenches needed for the various bolts on your bike
- Chain tool
- Spoke wrench
- Spare chain quick links
- Red tail light
- Cash, debit or credit card (to purchase supplies from local businesses)
- Chain lube
- Chamois Butt’r
- Front light (if you will finish near or after sunset)
- Extra thermal top or warm layer
- Paint stick or similar for clearing mud from the frame
- Waterproof/windproof jacket
- Emergency / survival blanket
- First aid kit
- Spare wheel spokes