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Charity Entry


Each charity participant is required to pay or fundraise for the charity of their choice from the below partners. This cost also includes your guaranteed spot in the 2025 race, and your registration and service fees. Charity spots are limited and are available on a first-come, first-serve basis. To redeem your entry, contact the charity and make payment. Then, use your designated code provided by the charity to complete your registration for the 2025 race.

*Please note, minimum donation is subject to charity discretion.


Mission: The Life Time Foundation is dedicated to inspiring Healthy People, a Healthy Planet, and a Healthy Way of Life. Through financial grants and direct action, we support Youth Nutrition by helping schools serve wholesome, nourishing, minimally processed food to students; Youth Movement by championing physical movement programs that get children active and excited to move for life; and a Healthy Planet by supporting forestation and conservation initiatives, so everyone can live healthy, happy lives.

The Team: By joining the Life Time Foundation Team and committing to fundraise for the cause, athletes are guaranteed race entry, receive top-class performance gear, and become part of an incredible, mission-driven community.

Slots Available: UNBOUND Gravel 50, 100, 200, & XL

Chris Klug Foundation

Our mission is to educate individuals to register as organ, eye, and tissue donors and inspire those in the transplant community. Our vision is to eliminate the wait for a transplant nationwide. Currently in the United States over 104,000 adults and children are waiting for a life saving transplant, while only 48% of Americans register as organ donors to save their lives. CKF combats this by reaching over 1 million individuals annually about the gift of life educating and inspiring them to register. We also share the journeys of transplant recipients to show the world what is possible after a transplant. 
The CKF Bike Team receives guaranteed entry into the world renowned UNBOUND Gravel race, a full custom team CKF kit, virtual training meetings with professional coaches, oncourse crewing and more. In return the team raises funds and awareness for CKF and our lifesaving mission. 

Contact: Anna Morgan-Palardy

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